Marlee Pittman

Marlee Pittman

's Bio

Marlee Pittman was born and raised in Mid City and has been an active advocate for the community for years. Currently serving on Mid City Merchants, Mid City Gras, and Forum 225's Board of Directors, on BRAC's Baton Rouge Quality of Place Committee, on the Capital Region's Bike/Ped Safety Coalition, as leader of the Mid City Committee, an alliance of Mid City neighborhoods, and as Mayor-President Broome's principal organizer behind Safe Hopeful Neighborhoods, she is a bridge between several community groups making the heart of the city better.

Her strong relationships with local partners and city leaders make her an invaluable part of many community development initiatives, while her marketing, strategic planning, and program management experience ensure the entire organization is more successful.

 She has proven herself as an expert on comprehensive community development strategies, often asked to teach nationally and locally on topics that include the history of housing segregation, urban planning, zoning, and corridor revitalization, funding affordable housing, and how to lead successful community engagement initiatives.

She graduated from Louisiana State University’s Ogden Honors College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science as a nationally recognized Truman Scholar before moving to Washington DC for a career in public policy. She returned to her hometown after the 2016 floods to work in disaster recovery and has since become an ardent supporter of all things Mid City.

Blogs by

Marlee Pittman


Mid City's Next Development Hot Spot

A prime piece of Mid City Real estate will hit the market when the Capital Area Human Services District vacates its offices on Government Street across from White Star Market.

Meet Aneatra Boykin, Our New Board Chair

Congratulations on being elected to serve as Mid City Redevelopment Alliance's next Board Chair! What made you interested in serving on the board of MCRA?

Bistro Byron'z History in Mid City

Bistro Byronz has a rich history as a local favorite of Baton Rouge. The concept originated in the ‘80s with a family-owned sandwich shop. It has been open for 13 years in Mid City.
